How to register a company in BVI (British Virgin Islands) ?
If you are looking for a relatively inexpensive jurisdiction, BVI company is one of the most popular choices. Here are some of the key advantages of setting up a company in the British Virgin Islands.
- Modern corporate legislation – on par with many developed jurisdictions
- Minimum capital requirements
- Low costs (comparing to Cayman Islands and Bermuda)
- Straightforward company maintenance (no annual audit requirements, no annual filings, low registered agent fees, no residence requirements for directors, simple corporate recordkeeping, etc.
- Enhanced privacy (company records, such as the register of shareholders and the register of directors are not open to public, the register of directors is filed with the BVI Registry).
- Variety of applications: holding companies, trusts, partnerships. Suitable for joint venture and IPO structuring
Criteria | Requirement |
Minimum number of shareholders | 1 |
Minimum number of directors | 1 |
Minimum share capital requirement | US$1 |
Nationality and address of shareholders / directors | No restrictions |
Address in Hong Kong | Optional |
Incorporation time | 1 to 5 working days |
Confidentiality | Company records are not open to public |
Tax advantages | no income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, wealth tax |
Bank account opening | Several options available, including remote account opening |
Please contact us for more details. We are at your disposal 7 days a week.
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